Fall Fiesta Honoree – Pam Roy


We are proud to announce that at this year’s Fall Fiesta we had special honors for Pamela Roy, Executive Director and co-founder of Farm To Table, for her outstanding work promoting local agriculture. Pam Roy has worked tirelessly to foster our local agricultural economy in a wide variety of ways.  As one member of our All-Star Committee said, “we simply wouldn’t be here without Pam.”

pamelaroy_specialhonors_fallfiesta_2016_gabriellamarks_santafe_farmersmarketinstitute-9Born and raised just outside of Santa Fe, Pam and her brother Rob, grew up growing food and are celebrating the 20th year of their shared garden.  Coming from a farming and business oriented family they both pursued agriculture as their vocations.  With a Master in International Agriculture Pam found she could use the same skills at home that she applied in communities in other countries.  While farming with her friend Le Adams, Pam applied for the first Executive Director position with the Santa Fe Farmers Market (in 1989), as a volunteer, and with the help of a dedicated Board of Directors soon began to develop programs to benefit farmers and the community.

pamelaroy_specialhonors_fallfiesta_2016_gabriellamarks_santafe_farmersmarketinstitute-11Since then Pam has spent close to 30 years working in food, farming, and advocacy initiatives at the local, national, and international levels.  She  worked with groups to co-found numerous organizations including Farm to Table, the NM Farmers Marketing Association, the New Mexico Food and Agriculture Policy Council, Southwest Marketing Network, and the Santa Fe Food Policy Council.  Pam works with communities to develop their own voice to advocate for policies and programs that provide social equity.  She has served on numerous local and national boards including the Community Food Security Coalition, Santa Fe Business Incubator, Food Depot, and the North American Farmers’ Direct Marketing Association.  In 2014, Pam was honored by the New Mexico Community Foundation as a Luminaria for her leadership and life work.

Farm To Table promotes locally based agriculture through education, community outreach and networking. They enhance marketing opportunities for farmers; encourage family farming, farmers’ markets and the preservation of agricultural traditions; inform public policy; and, further and understanding of the links between farming, food, health and local economies.
