Thank you to all of our supporters who came out for Fall Fiesta 2017! The new event format was a success, the band Felix y Los Gatos was amazing and got many people dancing, the food was tasty, and the conversation was lively and engaging. We look forward to celebrating local food, community, and culture with all of our friends for years to come!
Our endless gratitude to Pat West-Barker for her tireless work coordinating all the culinary details; and to Mu Jing Lau for lending her time and talent to making this event a success. Many deep-felt thanks to the Santa Fe Community College Culinary Arts Students for the kitchen assistance; to Liza Stanton-Hitt and Corina Logghe and all of our amazing servers; to the Santa Fe Farmers’ Market and Nina Yozell-Epstein (Squash Blossom) for assisting in sourcing local, farm fresh ingredients; and to all of the volunteers!
This event could not be possible without the months of hard work and support from our dedicated volunteers. This amazing group of community members shared their time, talent, and humor, for which we are forever grateful: Bettie Cavaunaugh, Pam Culwell, Colleen Hodges, Mary MacDonald, Pat Marciano, Linda McEnroe, Mike McGeary, Sherry Snyder, and Pamela Walker.
To all who have helped make the 2017 Fall Fiesta a success – we appreciate you!
2017 Farmer All Stars
Click each name to learn about this year’s Farmer All Star awardees:
Jubilee Farm
One Straw Farm
Nambe Orchards
Special Honors
Save the Date
2018 Fall Fiesta will be on Saturday, October 6. Mark your calendars!