Sweet Pepper Sautée

Sweet Pepper Sautée

In New Mexico we love the heat of a good chile pepper, but don’t think we are not equal opportunity pepper lovers, because we love all the peppers!

Try this easy Market Fresh Cooking Sweet Pepper Sautée – it’s DELICIOUS!!


  •     4 medium sweet peppers
  •     1– 2 tablespoons coconut oil—Mild
  •     1/2 teaspoon cumin
  •     1/2 tsp. sea salt
  •     1/4 c. water


  •     Wash peppers. Remove seeds and cut into thin strips.
  •     Melt coconut oil in a saucepan on medium low.
  •     Add sweet peppers, cumin, and salt  to pan and gently stir.
  •     Add 1/4 cup water to steam the peppers a little bit. With the lid on, cook for another     10-12 minutes until tender, or a consistency you like.
  •     Taste, and adjust seasoning as necessary.


Recipe courtesy of Susan Waters