This quick okra recipe is perfect for late summer! Not a fan of okra’s slimy texture? Because the okra in this side dish is cooked over high heat, the sliminess of the vegetable is reduced. The acidity of the lime and slight smokiness of the red chile powder really transforms the okra from a slimy and fuzzy vegetable to a perfect side or appetizer. Keep the stems on the okra and serve as a finger food at a party or substitute as fries for a green chile cheeseburger (a new Christmas combo – red & green chile). Don’t have skewers? Don’t sweat it! You can grill the okra on skewers or you can simply toss some in a pan. This recipe also works well with Shishito peppers, which are in abundance at the Santa Fe Farmers Markets.
Still need convincing? A cup of okra provides about 3 grams of protein and a slew of nutrients including calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and vitamins C, B-complex, E-A and K!
This recipe is courtesy of La Familia Medical Center and Cooking with Kids.
Grilled Okra with Red Chile and Lime
Serves 4 to 6
1 pound finger-sized okra
1 tablespoon olive oil
Salt and pepper
Red chile powder
1. Heat a grill (or grill pan on the stove) to high heat.
2. Toss the okra in a mixing bowl with the olive oil and a generous sprinkling of salt, pepper and red chile powder. Then spear the okra on skewers like kebabs.
3. When the grill or grill pan is ready, spread the okra out in a single layer. Cover and cook for about 2 minutes. Remove the cover and flip the okra to grill the other side. Continue grilling, flipping as needed, until the okra are evenly grilled on all sides, another 3 to 5 minutes (5 to 7 minutes total).
4. Squeeze lime juice over the okra before serving.
Brochetas de okra a la parrilla con chile colorado y limón
De 4 a 6 porciones
1 libra de dedos de okra
1 cucharada sopera de aceite de oliva
Sal y pimienta al gusto
Chile colorado en polvo
Agujas para brochetas
1. Calienta la parrilla o (una sartén en la estufa) a fuego alto.
2. Echa la okra en una bol para mezclar con el aceite de olive, bastante sal, pimiento y el chile en polvo Haz las brochetas de okra con las agujas
3. Cuando la parrilla o la sartén estén calientes, reparte las brochetas en una hilera. Cúbrelas y ásalas 2 minutos, Destapa y voltéalas. Sigue asándolas y volteándolas lo que sea necesario hasta que se hayan asado parejo por todos lados otros 3 a 5 minutos (de 5 a 7 minutos en total).
4. Exprímele el jugo de limón sobre las brochetas antes de servir.