Florence Fabricant’s Fried Okra

By Pamela Walker, writer and local farm and food activist (www.GrowingGoodThingsToEat.com)

Okra is still plentiful in the Market, but as fall is coming on and the days grow shorter and cooler, this heat-loving plant will stop producing pods. So we should get it while we can.

This recipe by Florence Fabricant from the New York Times is a fancier than the fried okra I grew up on, which was slicing the pods horizontally and stirring them in cornmeal and a little salt and pepper and frying them quickly in a cast iron skillet of hot vegetable oil. But Fabricant’s is nonetheless an easy recipe and certainly classier than just cornmeal and salt and pepper.






Image from southernfatty.com

Florence Fabricant’s Fried Okra


  • 15-20 okra pods
  • 2 tablespoon Cornstarch-
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup half-and-half
  • Vegetable oil


  1. Whisk cornstarch and 1/2 teaspoon salt into flour.
  2. Beat an egg into the half-and-half. Slowly whisk this into the dry ingredients.
  3. Add the okra and turn to coat.
  4. Heat an inch of vegetable oil to very hot in a wok or pan and fry the battered pods, turning once, until golden.
  5. Drain on paper towels, dust with a tad more salt and serve