Less than 22% of adults in Santa Fe County reported consuming 5+ fruits and vegetables each day. Over 14% of people in Santa Fe County live below the poverty line and are classified as food insecure, which means that they live in a household in which access to food adequate to support a healthy life is limited or uncertain.

Everyone in our community deserves access to fresh, locally-produced agricultural products that are more nutritious and taste better than food that travels thousands of miles to the grocery stores. The Double Up Food Bucks program improves the nutrition of SNAP recipients by increasing their access to healthy, local food, while also providing additional revenue for our farmers and keeping food dollars in our local economy. This program is a win-win-win for all of us!

Customers can match their SNAP dollars each time they visit the Market. To double your spending power at the Market, just visit the Market Info Booth for your transaction before you visit the vendors!

The Institute initially created and ran the SNAP/EBT Match Program, made possible through local funding sources. In 2015, we began our partnership with New Mexico Farmers Marketing Association in their efforts to seek funding from the State of New Mexico so we could offer the Fair Food Network’s Double Up Food Bucks program. The State funding brought Double Up Food Bucks to farmer’s markets, food stands, and local groceries across the state.

In 2019, customers received ~$75,000 in matching funds. Vendors received ~$150,000 from SNAP dollars and matching funds, combined.

Click here to watch a short video of how Double Up Food Bucks works!

I am so grateful that the Farmers’ Market has made DUFB a priority! It allows me to buy more sustainable food and allows me to be a more educated customer because I can talk to farmers about their businesses and how they grow food for the greater New Mexico community! I never shopped at the Market before this program.” – DUFB customer



