This article from the Houston Chronicle was written by our friend and recipe blogger, Pamela Walker.
“As Wendell Berry has long reminded us, ‘Eating is an agricultural act.’
With every bite we take, we support one kind of agriculture or another. Think about it: Every day. Every bite.
So we can support healthful, tasty food. We can support local food rather than food imported from China, Chile or New Zealand.
And we can support farms, both rural and urban, flourishing and increasing in number. We can support cleaner, less chemically laden air and water and soil. We can support small, independent businesses and be part of the distinctive communities and cultures they create.
The best way to support all these things at the same time is to buy as much of our food as possible directly from farmers at farmers markets or through community-supported agriculture (CSA) arrangements.
After all, we have to eat. And that gives us a unique opportunity to nourish our bodies as well as the natural and human communities we’re part of.”
Click here to read the full piece, and learn about how shopping at farmers markets has a positive impact on the local economy, our community, and our health.