NM Food & Farms and School Nutrition Day and Awards Ceremony

Thursday, January 24, 2019 at the Roundhouse
490 Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe
Created to bring individuals and groups together around food, farming, and health issues, programs and initiatives – from private and public sectors and policymakers. The day provides an opportunity to share in and show the relationships between the health of our communities and food, farm, and health related programs; ways we are working together to increase affordable and healthful food access; and to support farmers whose food is produced in New Mexico.
Events are free and open to the public.
8am: Possible hearing and/or logistics “walk about”
8am-12pm: Tabling in the East Wing next to the Rotunda
9-10am: Awards Ceremony in the Rotunda
10am-12pm: Senate/House chambers and Office visits for educational discussions with legislators, Memorial presentations in the House and Senate, and Rostrum Introductions of awardees and others
12pm: Photo East side of Capitol
12:30-2pm: Luncheon and presentation at the Rio Chama
You can park in the State Capitol Parking Garage free (if you get there early). It is located on Galisteo Street off Paseo de Peralta and just past Manhattan on the right (heading one way towards downtown Santa Fe).
For more information please contact:
Pam Roy, Farm to Table and the NM Food & Ag Policy Council