Rainwater Harvesting Design and Construction Workshop with Billy Kniffen

We are very pleased to invite you to join us for a two-day, hands-on Rainwater Harvesting Design and Construction Workshop with Billy Kniffen.

February 15 from 9am – 5pm AND February 16 from 9am – 3pm
Northern NM College – Espanola

Cost: $25-75 sliding scale


The Rainwater Harvesting Design and Construction Workshop, facilitated by Billy Kniffen, is a wonderful opportunity to learn all about how to set yourself up for water success in an ever uncertain climate. Whether you are focused on sustainability or concerned about weather patterns, rainwater harvesting can be a very important and helpful tool to help combat the uncertainties of water availability to irrigate your garden or larger scale crops, or to provide potable drinking water for your animals.

This two-day workshop includes lunch and snacks, and every participant will leave with their own rain barrel set with all the fittings you need to begin catching water on your own property.

Space is limited and we must have final confirmation of all attendees no later than the end of the day on Monday, February 13 in order to ensure supplies and meals for everyone.



Please see the agenda below and contact Melissa Willis at melissa@oldsffmi.designbystudiox.com or call 505-983-7726 x2 to reserve your space.



Day 1: 2/15 (9am – 5pm)

  • Discuss basics in rainwater harvesting and construction techniques
  • Divide into company teams of 3 members each
  • Rain barrel construction
  • Lunch
  • Math Section: supply/demand calculations, sizing tanks, gutters, downspouts, conveyance piping, pre-filtration and pumps
  • Team project – develop supply and calculations, system design and bid cost of project
  • Teams design system and submit bid

Day 2: 2/16 (9am – 3pm)

  • Combine into 5 teams and Construct mock system using 50 gallon tank and 1” pipe – from downspout inlet to tank inlet through tank and out through pump and faucet
  • Discuss: filtration and uses of rainwater including irrigation, livestock and potable uses
  • Lunch
  • Test constructed systems
  • Construct and add irrigation and other uses
  • Discuss operation and maintenance manual

Did you know?

Every person who uses a water barrel makes a significant impact on the environment. In fact, according to American Rivers, a national organization that aims to protect and restore U.S. rivers and streams, 40 percent of water used by the average household is for outdoor use. What’s more, 1 inch of rainfall on a 1,200-square-foot roof yields more than 700 gallons of water.