99% of turkey raised in America is the non-heritage Broad Breasted variety. Organic or not, these fragile genetics are owned and patented by two major poultry corporations and raised in factory-farm conditions. The majority of Heritage Turkeys available in this country are bred and raised by small, sustainable farmers.
Pollo Real Heritage Turkey Hens are generally 8-12 pounds and their Toms are 12-20 pounds, this allows you options depending on your Holiday plans. Since they are fresh heritage turkeys will cook faster than conventional turkeys. No brining necessary, these fresh young heritage turkeys always come out plump and tender.
By purchasing a heritage turkey you are supporting local, sustainable farming, you and you’re family are sure to enjoy the best turkey you’ve ever had!
How to choose & cook your Heritage Turkey
Choosing a weight:
1.5 lbs per person
2 lbs per person for leftovers
Roasting the whole bird:
Bring the bird to room temperature before cooking.
Roast at 425-450 degrees F until the bird reaches an internal temperature of 160 degrees F – Heritage turkeys do not take as long to cook as conventional turkeys so keep an eye on the bird.
Generally, count 10-15 minutes per pound.
Let the whole roasted bird rest 10-15 minutes before carving.
Making Gravy:
In a large saute pan, melt butter, stir in flour, and cook for 1 minute. Slowly add in warm Turkey Bone Broth 1/2 cup at a time until gravy is desired consistency. Add in spices and adjust seasoning, if necessary.
Serve with turkey.
Yield: 3 1/2 cups.