Calling all Northern New Mexico growers! We’ve got a great event coming up on January 30 from 9am-3pm, touring three impressive greenhouse sites.
Thinking about maximizing your greenhouse? Considering adding a greenhouse to your current operation? Looking for some quality shop-talk with regional greenhouse growers? Need some winter inspiration and a splash of green? This tour is for you! We will visit three sites, each with their own unique scale and management styles. From annual to perennial, winter to summer, this tour will shake up the winter hibernation!
Perennial fruit? Check! Hydroponics? Check! Winter greens? Check! Sustainable technologies? Check! Years of growing experience to glean from in conversation? CHECK!
Growing Opportunities – Alcalde, NM
State-of-the-art year-round hydroponic tomato production since 1999. GAP-certified for diversified local markets. Grow space totaling 17,000 square feet with distinct styles, including quonset and twin wall polycarbonate construction.

Freshies of New Mexico – Lyden, NM
Harnois tunnel-pro multi-bay high-tunnel covering 3 acres; 12 inner-connecting tunnels measuring 31′ x 300′ each; 2,700 stone fruit trees planted under cover in a high desnity pedestrian orchard. Annual crops inter-planted between tree rows including tomatoes, melons, and peppers. Tunnels were built from 2016-2017 with help from NRCS and FSA funding.

Khalsa Community Farms – Espanola, NM
Four subterranean greenhouses totaling 12,000 sq.ft. with 50° F surface temps for year-round growing. Focus on winter greens production and season extension techniques.

Pre-registration is required. Free for Market members and $15 for community members. Lunch will be provided. Limited scholarships available based on need and availability.
To register contact:
Bonnie Murphy
505-983-7726 x6