The first Farms Films Food of 2017 was a success! We estimate 150-175 people attended.
* Deborah Madison had a book signing with Collected Works Bookstore & Coffeehouse.
* SeedBroadcast had a mini seed swap.
* The animated and talented Chef Rocky Durham (from Blue Heron At Sunrise Springs Spa Resort) demonstrated how to make a simple and tasty pea soup (recipe coming soon!).
* There’s an excellent exhibit in Muñoz Waxman Gallery – Cryin’ Out Loud and LENSCRATCH.
* Axle Contemporary‘s exhibit of Jade Leyva-Frouge’s and Ruben Olguin’s MURAL VIVIENT is amazing!
* Freezie Fresh served up freshly-made ice cream to a constant line of people.
* Street Food Institute and Kebab Caravan sold out, including the Farmers’ Market Special that the Institute subsidized.
* Alex and Becca from Revolution Farm were on-hand to answer questions about farming.
* Liz from Prints & Plants helped many people (adults and kids alike) create amazing art.
* “In Defense of Food” sold out and “The True Cost” (presented by SITE Santa Fe Young Curators) came close to selling out.
* And the SMOOTHIE BIKE was a hit (as expected.)
Make sure to join us at the next Farms Films Food events on August 2 and September 20.
Many thanks to our wonderful volunteers (including Santa Fe YouthWorks) and our fantastic partners, Center for Contemporary Arts and Street Food Institute.