Back by popular demand and overwhelming success, Farmers Market Coalition’s 2nd Annual Farmers Market Poster Contest is underway! FMC is looking for poster submissions that depict a combination of engaging graphics, informative messaging and regional or market identity.
We are very proud of the beautiful posters we have designed this year, with the help of Jasmine Quinsier.
Click here for a Facebook post you can easily share with friends to ask them to vote.
You must have a Facebook account to vote. Click here for a direct link to voting. Judging will occur between July 25th and August 7th.
Once on the page, click on Vote to get to all of the submission. Select any posters you like…preferably all of ours :) We submitted the Southside poster in English and Spanish, the Wednesday Night Market poster, and the Tuesday Market poster. (These are all currently the second, third, and fourth spots on the 5th row and the fourth spot on the 7th row.)
Then, ask your friends to vote, too!
Thank you for your support!!