Fare Thee Well

Fare Thee Well

In May, our treasured Program Director, Sam Baca, retired after five dedicated years with the Institute and 43 years working in the non-profit and human services sector. We look forward to seeing Sam at the Market with a shopping bag instead of his clipboard!


“I have so much to be grateful for. I feel like I have come full circle, having spent the first three years working for the rights of farmworkers with the United Farm Workers of America to the past five years working to support farmers and our local food system in my native state. There were some bright highlights in between, particularly serving as the founding director of Big Brother/Big Sisters of Santa Fe for eight years and being program director of Cornerstones Community Partnerships for 15 years. In all, I feel very blessed, and the experience of the past five years has been the perfect way to cap my career. I have gained an awesome respect for the farmers and the agricultural producers of our area. The dedication of the vendors of our market, of my co-workers and board, and of all the people that have helped make this market what it is has been an inspiration to me, and certainly the best part of the experience of my last five years.” – Sam Baca