Cooking With Kids Cookbook

Cooking With Kids Cookbook

Cooking With Kids is the national winner in the “children” category for the 2017 Gourmand World Cookbook Awards for The Cooking with Kids Cookbook (by Lynn Walters and Jane Stacey, with Gabrielle Gonzales). The book, published by the University of New Mexico Press in 2016, will now compete in its category alongside winners from other countries for the honor of “Best in the World.” The results will be announced May 27-28, 2017 at the annual Gourmand Awards Ceremony in Yantai, China. The awards recognize the best cookbooks, drink books, and food television of the year.

The Santa Fe Farmers’ Market Institute has proudly partnered with Cooking With Kids on our Children’s Nutrition Program.

As a Food Cadre Educator with Cooking with Kids, we place much emphasis on knowing exactly where your food comes from. When the students see us in our chef coats coming through the cafeteria, they get so excited, and are eager to try whatever we serve them. In the classes they learn how their food grows, and what type of climates they need in order to survive. I have personally been very surprised when I do cafeteria promotions exposing students to differing varieties of sprouts, spinach, and tomatoes; and the kids come back for seconds and thirds! Not only are these kids willing to try out vegetables they’d previously avoided, but they are also relating this spinach on my cart, to the spinach dishes served in their cafeteria.

Utilizing the Santa Fe Farmers’ Market allows me to share more information with my students about where locally their food is grown and the importance of the ability to access it. It’s always great when students fall in love with their favorite varieties of apples, and I can tell them they grew ‘just up the river’ in Velarde, NM. It’s even better when I see them at the Farmers Market guiding their family members to the farmers because of it.


Quote from Emily Ewings, Cooking With Kids

Click here and here to learn more about the cookbook.

You can purchase this amazing book in the Santa Fe Farmers’ Market Gift Shop.