Reunity Resources collects 1.4 million pounds of food waste from Santa Fe area schools and restaurants, diverting it from the landfill where it would create toxic, planet-warming methane. Instead, Reunity Resources creates compost.
Now, Santa Fe Farmers’ Market vendors and customers are invited to participate in this composting program. Simply separate your organic materials (anything that was once alive: fruit peels, veggie trimmings, eggshells, paper napkins, and YES our commercial-scale facility can compost even meats and dairy) and bring them to our market booth for drop off!
Composting combats climate change on three critical fronts. First, by removing food waste from landfills, we reduce our trash volume by about 40% which extends landfill life and reduces heavy machinery required to handle material. Secondly, food waste in landfills is also a high producer of noxious, planet-warming methane gas. In fact, if “Foodwasteinlandfills” was a country of its own, it would be the THIRD LARGEST carbon producer, behind only the US and China. Dirty! Finally, when the finished compost is spread and seeds are planted, the ability for that area to sequester carbon from the atmosphere (where there’s too much) down into the soil (where we need it) is activated, thus offering the potential to reverse climate change.