In honor of Food Day, October 24, the Santa Fe Food Policy Council, Cooking with Kids, the Santa Fe Farmers’ Market Institute, and Farm to Table are co-hosting an event: Planning for Santa Fe’s Food Future. This evening will be a celebration of local food as well as an educational opportunity exploring the reality and potential of our regional foodshed.
We will have an introduction to Santa Fe’s first ever Food Plan and a panel discussion relating to the major themes of food security and healthy food. The event is also a kickoff for the subsequent outreach efforts and “community listening sessions” associated with the Santa Fe Food Plan.
There will be copies of the Santa Fe Food Plan for distribution.
When: Thursday, October 24, 6-8 pm
Where: The Santa Fe Farmers’ Market Pavilion, 1607 Paseo de Peralta
Event Highlights:
6:00 pm Welcome from Councilor Patti Bushee
6:05 pm Featured speaker Janet Poppendieck, author of Free for All: Fixing School Food in America
6:30 pm Introduction to Santa Fe’s Food Plan
6:45 pm Panel discussion on community food issues, including food security and healthy food
7:30 pm Reception with refreshments and conversation
The event is free and open to the public.