2nd Annual Local Food & Farm-to-School Awards

2nd Annual Local Food & Farm-to-School Awards
The 2nd Annual Local Food & Farm to School Awards celebrate stellar programs and partners in New Mexico that are actively fostering innovative initiatives around our local food economy. We envision this awards programs as a catalyst to further connect and network rock star individuals, organizations, and institutions, as well as a tool to leverage political and media support for local food and farm to school work happening in diverse contexts across the state.
You only have one week to vote! Deadline is January 27
There are six categories for this year’s awards:
– Farmer of the Year
– Teacher of the Year
– Support Organization of the Year
– School Food Service Director of the Year
– “Double Up Food Bucks” Outlet of the Year
– Farmers Market of the Year

All ​categories will be evaluated with a lens of justice and equity, a commitment to land and culture, innovative and creative approaches to complex problems, and a ​ demonstrated​ investment into the future eaters, farmers, and local food allies of New Mexico.

Awards will be chosen by a committee formed by the New Mexico Food and Ag Policy Council.​

Prizes include: Media recognition, awardee lunch after Food ​& Farms Day, passes to Southwest Region Farm to School Conference in Durango, CO (pending funding – categories 1-4), passes to the New Mexico Farmers’ Marketing Association’s annual conference in Santa Fe (categories 1, 3, 5, 6).