Gluten-free Squash Cake with Jujubes and Pecans This recipe is provided by Becky Thorp from SunStar Herbs Wet Ingredients: 2...
Archive for category: Recipes

Romero Farms Red Chile Con Carne
Red Chile Con Carne This recipe is from Romero Farms Ingredients: 2 oz. seeded and stemmed Romero Farms red chile...

Apple Cider Margaritas
Apple Cider Margaritas Recipe from Victoria Montoya from Montoya Orchard / Wicked Kreations Winery Ingredients: 1 ounce Grand Marnier 1...

Yellow Indian Woman Beans with Lemon and Dill
Guest writer: Pamela Walker, writer and local farm and food activist ( Malandro Farm has been bringing one-pound bags of...

Japanese Turnips Two Ways
Guest writer: Pamela Walker, writer and local farm and food activist ( Malandro Farm is now bringing Japanese turnips to...

UNUM Magazine – Women and Food
“Food is at the heart of everything. It’s a key ingredient of our families, cultures, and societies, and it feeds...

Christmas isn’t the only time to enjoy bizcochitos! Natividad Manzanares, (the mother of Antonio Manzanares of Shepherd’s Lamb), shares her famous...

Kale Pasta Sauce
Guest writer: Pamela Walker, writer and local farm and food activist ( Kale is available in the market almost year...

Beef Stroganoff
Guest writer: Pamela Walker, writer and local farm and food activist ( Beef stroganoff was a dinner favorite during my...

Rainbow-Chard Potato Frittata
Guest writer: Pamela Walker, writer and local farm and food activist ( During my Christmas visit to my family in...