Donate *
The Santa Fe Farmers’ Market Institute is a nonprofit organization. We rely on donations from individuals, businesses, foundations, and government grants to help us fulfill our mission! Tax-deductible contributions to the Institute (the nonprofit, sister organization of the Santa Fe Farmers’ Market) help us to ensure:
Our Farmers and Ranchers Security: Maintaining a permanent and crucial venue for local farmers and ranchers to sell their goods is foundational for both individual financial success and the viability of the local economy. Apart from a base of operations, the Institute provides microloans, scholarships, and a variety of trainings oriented toward improving a vendor’s productivity and ability to increase sales.
Our Food Security: The SFFM supply chain is shorter than the national and international chains upon which conventional stores depend. Local food passes through fewer hands and travels an average 35 miles to the Santa Fe Farmers’ Market. It is a safer, healthier source of essential nutrients, and proves our local food system is more important than ever. All efforts to maintain agriculture in Northern New Mexico will reap benefits for the entire community.
Our Neighbors Food Security: We at the Institute are also determined to continue Double Up Food Bucks, a program that provides healthy food to low-income people in our community at very affordable prices. Doubling the purchase power for healthy food for SNAP recipients is especially important in a food insecure state like NM. The Institute provides access and accountability to these programs, and the agricultural community benefits from the extra income they gain through these Institute-based programs.
Monthly, sustaining donations help to provide regular cash flow to the organization and can help you to make a larger contribution, spread out through smaller, regular payments. Please consider this form of giving if it appeals to you.
Regardless of how you choose to give, we remain ever grateful for your steadfast support of local agriculture!