Saturday, October 6
Santa Fe Farmers’ Market Pavilion
1607 Paseo de Peralta, Santa Fe NM  87501

We rely on the generous donation of time and talent for this event to be a success. These are the volunteer jobs that need to be filled.

Item Pick Up (2 people)

Tuesday October 2, 9am: Pick up the art walls from Folk Art Alliance warehouse (1591 Pacheco Street), and deliver to Pavilion.

Monday October 8, time TBD: Pick up the art walls and deliver back to the Folk Art Alliance.


Clean Up (6 people)

Saturday, October 6 from 9:30pm – 12am: Collect rental items, break down chairs and tables, etc.



If you would like to be informed about volunteer opportunities for this event, please contact Carrie at 505-983-7726 or

Thank you for sharing your time and talent to ensure this event is a success!

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