A Chat with Mai in March, 2021
What is a signature item that you sell?
Beautiful GREENS!
What’s the best way to store it?
In the refrigerator.
How long have you been farming?
17 years
How long have you been a member of the Market?
2 years
Share a favorite memory of the Market:
When last year (2020), all of a sudden we were all wearing masks, gloves, and using alcohol sanitizer with essential oils.
How did you get into farming?
Primarily, I am an ecologist. By this I mean , that this earth is our home and we need to be part of the eco system and returning back what the earth, plants, flowers, trees, insects, birds, animals with a little mixture of sun and water.
Do you own or rent the land you grow on?
We own almost 5 acres in Jaconita
Are you certified organic? If not, are you no pesticides?
We were certified through 2020 but because of the state situation, we decided not to go for certification in 2021. This year we continue our tradition of caring for our land by using biodynamic sprays on our land and compost.
How was your growing season last year? How’s it shaping up for this year?
Last year, it was extremely hot, and although we watered all the time, in June, things just didn’t grow. Again we did not receive much precipitation, and with Climate Change, expect it to be hotter, so it will continue to be challenging.
What crops are coming up next, seasonally?
Besides greens, we grow a variety of vegetables, and herbs, including nettles, spearmint , lemon balm, and most of the herbs for my medicine tinctures and teas.
Besides farming, what takes up your time?
Grand-kids, hiking, cross-country skiing , studying and laughing.
Are you celebrating anything special this year (like an anniversary)?
We will celebrate when this Covid gets under control.
How would you describe yourself in one word or short phrase?
What is your favorite dish to make?
Red or Green?
If you were a super hero what would your powers be and why?
Wow, don’t know.
Which vegetable or fruit speaks to you on a personal level and how?
Eggplant; it really is a sensual vegetables with a lot of complexity.
What is the strangest thing you’ve eaten?
What have you done that you are most proud of?
My two children. Will who is the FARMER and an amazing father of MiYoung, and Shamai, my daughter, who is a nutritionist and mother of Cy and Kalyn.
Proprietors: Mai Thing and Will Mushen
Farm Location: Jaconita
Main items for sale: organic greens, vegetables, herbs and tinctures