Where to Find a CSA & Online Food Ordering

From February 21-28 we celebrated National CSA Week! But in reality, CSA’s are worth celebrating year round. CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture, and it’s just another way that YOU can help support local farmers. The concept is really simple. You pay for your CSA “share” in advance, providing the farm with capital to kick start the growing season when there’s otherwise little income being generated. In return you receive farm fresh produce every week throughout the growing season. It’s a quick and convenient way to do your weekly produce shopping because all you have to do is remember to pick up your weekly share! And you’re helping a local farm get started for another season. You share in the risk, but you also share in the reward. Not only is the produce delicious and enjoyable, you can feel good about being part of a collective effort to maintain local farmland and support food and farming that is grown sustainably.

If you’re interested, check out some of the CSA’s available through the Santa Fe Farmers’ Market vendors! There are also farm stand, pre-sales and online shopping options listed.